Day: April 24, 2024

ALJ 2024 Activity # 9 Blog #10

Hello everyone,

Today I am talking about the traditional Maori food storage, where and how they stored their food.  The Moaries ate rice, kumara and many other types of kai. Kai means food. They did not know where to put the rice so they all came up with an idea and that was to create a food storage  to store all of the rice away from animals. Food is usually stored for later use. Kumara is stored for winter where food is difficult to get. Now it is time bring out my food storage poster.

I hope you like my work. Are you doing the Autumn Learning Journey? If you are then how many activities have you done? I am totally enjoying my ALJ.

God Bless.

Take care.

Bye Bye.

ALJ 2024 Activity # 17 Blog #9

Hello everyone,

ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corp that served at the Gallipoli Campaign.

Today I did the ANZAC poppies on the Piskel website. The color I choose is the color red and black because it represents ANZAC. I was having trouble at 1st but in the end I managed to get used to it. For this activity you have to go on the Piskel website and make ANZAC poppies with the color red and the color black. After you finish you take a screenshot and blog about it. I think it is time to show my ANZAC poppies.

I hope you like it. Have you made some ANZAC poppies?

The poppies signify the time when the soldiers were at the Gallipoli war and there was a field of red poppies next to them. ANZAC Day is a really important event to remember because it is to remember the strong and brave soldiers who died when fighting for their country in the world war. Especially the NZ and Australian Army Corp during the Gallipoli Campaign.

I did the Dawn Parade once at Cranmer Square with my Scouts group called St. Matthews LLO.  We went to the ANZAC Parade to remind us that many have sacrificed for the peace we enjoy.

Are you going for the ANZAC Parade?

Bye Bye.