Year: 2022


Hello everyone,

On 6 of September it was snowing and it was very cold.

Here are the pictures of what we where doing.


Fun facts about the cold.

-You can catch a cold through your eyes.

-The germs that cause a common cold can live for up to two days outside of the body.

-Taking Vitamin C does not keep colds at bay.

-All snowflakes have 6 sides or arms

-Snow isn’t white

-Snow can fall with temperatures above freezing

-It can never be too cold for snow


Why you should not get stage fright?

Hello everyone,

Today I was supposed to read my speech but I mucked it up because I had stage fright. I was able to read but suddenly  I  couldn’t continue.

I felt better after taking a deep breath. I managed to finish the whole speech after taking a long time. I need to learn how to control my stage fright.

I will tell you why you should not get stage fright because it will affect your work. In my case it was my speech.

What is stage fright?

Stage fright, or performance anxiety, is a state of anxiety or fear which occurs when an individual is faced with the requirement of performing in front of an audience (either directly or through a screen, e.g in front of a camera).

This is why you should not be stage fright  because  you cannot let it control you.

Terima kasih.

I hope you learn something new today.

Duathlon At Walter Park SFOA School.

Hello everyone,

The weather is looking very bad today. So the teachers has put it to next Friday. The Duathlon is about running and biking.You can do it by yourself or with a buddy I pick with a buddy. My buddy is Angus so Angus runs and I bike. But if you pick by yourself it could waste your energy because you have to run and bike at the same time. If you get 1st, 2nd or 3rd you get a reward.

Q-Are doing the Duathlon?


The Super Awesome CSO-Mark Holloway.

Hello everyone

The super awesome Christchurch Symphony Orchestra came to visit our school on Wednesday. It was amazing and I got the chance to become  the conductor for a little while. When you drop your right hand it means start playing.

The instrument that I liked the most was the drums because the sound of the drum was so awesome.

The thing that impressed and surprised me the most was the Star Wars theme song because I love Star Wars.

Something that I also found interesting was the violin because my brother plays the violin.


What is your most favourite part of the CSO and why ?




Hedgehog outside my house-Mark Holloway.

Hello everyone,

Today I’m going to tell you about the hedgehog outside my house.

So the hedgehog just came to my house and stayed over. It feels like home to him.

I think the hedgehog wants to stay over forever.

Here is the link to my hedgehog slides.

Oh, I forget to tell you that I want a hedgehog as a good and loving pet but the hedgehog puts saliva all over his quills so I am changing my mind.

Thank you so much for reading my blog post.

Swimming Blog Post Term 3

Hello everyone,

We have just finished two weeks of swimming lessons at QEII.  

In my last blog post I wanted to use this week to improve on swimming backstroke. I have been successful because I have been paying attention and trying my best.

This week, we did a lot of water safety skills. Something that I have learnt is going into the water slowly. This is important because if you don’t, you could hurt yourself. 

The thing that I enjoyed the most this week was everything because it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed floating on my back, because it stops me from sinking.

Something that I want to learn next time I have swimming lessons at school is the butterfly stroke. What about you?

This is my group practising some water safety. I am the one holding up my hand.

Swimming at QE2 Term 3 2022-St Francis School Swimming Lesson-Mark Holloway.

Hello everybody

This term, we have swimming for the first two weeks of school. We are having our lessons at QEII. In previous years when we had swimming lessons at school I enjoyed doing rocket ship because it is fun to do. Something that I have enjoyed this week is games because I love games. Something that I have found hard this week is swimming on my back because I’m always sinking. Something that I want to improve on next week is breathing underwater for more than 10 seconds.

Everyday we wait for the bus to pick us up from school and bring us to QEII swimming pool.  When we get there we change to our  swimming togs and we start our lesson. After the lesson we change back to our sports gear and take the bus back to St Francis School. We go back to Tumu hub and have our morning tea. After we have our morning tea we play and after we play we start to do maths.

There is a very nice playground at the children’s side but we don’t get to go there because we don’t want to miss the bus.

My most favourite part of the lesson is the freestyle.

What is your most favourite part of the lesson?



Blog Post-Maths Term 2 Week 10 By Mark Holloway.

Hello everyone, welcome to back. Today I did statistics and I have created  two graphs about what jelly bean flavour people like the best.

Statements-I notice that Cherry is the most popular.

Statements-I wonder why Grape & Pineapple are the least popular?

What have you been learning-I have been learning about statements & graph gathering data.

What is your most favourite Jelly Bean