Hi my name is Mark and today I am going to blog about my poem. Thank you.

What is this blog about?

This blog is about my poem.

What poem is it?

The poem that I made is called a bio poem.

What is a bio poem?

A bio poem is a poem all about yourself.

When did you start on this bio poem?

I did it at school.

Do you find this bio poem fun and easy to do?


Did anyone help you on this poem?

Yes, the teachers help me out because it was to difficult for me.

Is everyone at school also doing this bio poem?

Yes, everyone is doing this poem.

What does your bio poem look like?

Bio Poem

Please click on the link above to look at my own bio poem.

What year are you in at school?

I am year 7 at St Francis.

What does your bio poem look like?



2 thoughts on “Hi my name is Mark and today I am going to blog about my poem. Thank you.

  1. Hi Mark
    I like how you explained wont your bolg is about and you explained wont a bio poem. I don’t know wont my bio poem is nut wont is your favourite poem?

  2. Hi Mark
    I like how you explained what your blog is about and I like how you explained what a bio poem is. my bio poem is similar to yours. what is your favourite peom?
    from Max

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