Musical Fractions – SLJ 2022-2023 – Kick Start – Blog number 22

Kia Ora,

Today I did musical fractions. The task is  to create rhythms  using fraction blocks with  a total of 4 claps for one rhythm. I have made 4 rhythms.  Here is the video. Did you  find this  task challenging? I sure  did.

2 thoughts on “Musical Fractions – SLJ 2022-2023 – Kick Start – Blog number 22

  1. Kia ora Mark,

    I love your screencastify because of the energy you bring to it. You are a natural presenter. Happy 2 0 2 3 to you too. Thank you for taking the time to explain music as fractions. It can be tricky at times. I like that you came up with lots of different options.

    I was looking at maths in music recently on another website called ‘get the math in music’. I had to work out how many beats were in a short sample of music and then work out how many beats were in the whole song. Maths really is everywhere. I really enjoyed doing the task. Have you ever thought about maths in music before?

    Keep up the great presentations of your work – tino pai.

  2. Hi Mark,

    I love your Screencastify so much! You’ve explained the rhythms that go with the fraction blocks perfectly. I liked the way you clapped the blocks out, and that you were successful in writing a line of blocks that added up to four.

    It’s great that you can say when you find a task challenging – this is how we learn.

    God bless you.
    Whaea Cheryl

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